Linux Introduction

what is an Operating System?
An Operating System(OS) is software that acts as an interface between computer hardware components and the user. Every computer system must have at least one operating system to run other program & Application like browser, notepad, etc … need some environment to run and perform their task.
Linux Operating System
Linux is a free, open-source operating system released under the GNU General Public License(GPL). Anyone can run, study, modify the source code or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license. Linux has become the largest open sources software project in the world. Linux is originally originated from Unix operating system.
Why we use Linux
• Open Source
The most important aspect of Linux is that its source code is available as it falls under the free and open-source software.
• High Security
Installing and using Linux on your system is the easiest way to avoid viruses and malware.
• High Stability
Linux system is very stable and is not prone to runs exactly as fast as it did when first installed.
• Run on any Hardware
Linux installation can be customized for users for specific hardware requirements
• Applications
Linux has thousands of open source applications available to use for free.
• Community
The Linux project itself has been built around a vibrant community.
Operating system architecture

Hardware consist of all physical devices attached to the system
Eg: hard disk, ram
Kernal is a core component for any Linux operating system, Which directly interacts with hardware.
Operating System
Operating System is software that performs all basic tasks like file management.
Shell is the interface that takes input from users and sends an instruction to the kernel.
Core Components of Linux
A Kernel is a computer program that is the heart and core of an operating system. It is the core interface between a computer’s hardware and its processes.
Boot Loader
A Boot Loader is a small program stored in the MBR or GUID partition table that helps to load an operating system into memory, without a boot loader, your operating system can not be loaded into memory.
The shell is the command interpreter in an operating system such as Unix or GNU/LINUX,it is a program that executes other programs. It provides a computer using an interface to the Linux system so that the user can run different commands or tools.
basic Linux commands will be published soon. Keep support this page
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